Tuesday, 27 December 2016

Denmark to Frasers Range Station

We left Denmark and travelled through to a free camping site called Fitzgerald Old School site (about 60kms before Jerramungup). The school operated until 1995 and they have removed all the buildings but the old square ball markings and basketball lines are still visible. We explored for a little while and then sat down to eat dinner followed by bath time / showers for the kids. During shower time another van came so the idea of a public shower no longer appealed so Mars and I gave that a miss ;) Even the toilet had to be strategically positioned for 'privacy' - next time the tent will definitely be set up! A quick game of square ball before bed made sure everyone got their fair share of mozzie bites.

The campsite was fantastic, loads of birds (finches in particular!) made plenty of noise. The wind was howling for a while then later in the night we had rain.

In the morning we got on the road around 9:30 - a slow start. We drove through to Esperance where we found every shop was shut due to public holiday! But not Bunnings... so we got what we needed and drove through to Norseman where again... all the shops were shut.

We got back on the road and drove another 100kms to Frasers Range Station, which is a functioning station with camping facilities. There was plenty for the kids to explore and run around to get rid of their energy!

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