Wednesday, 19 April 2017


We found a local Presbyterian Church in Cronulla - 10 minutes from where we were staying so we headed there for 9:30 church. After a dilemma finding parking we managed to park on the front lawn.  While I tried to get Axel to sleep in the pram at the rear of the building, Mars walked in with 4 kids and found a seat.

The service was interesting... more casual than we were used to... plus a band to accompany the singers.  During the service a couple gave their insight as to how a recent jail term for the husband had affected their lives.  After that, the kids were encouraged to go out to Sunday School.  Ours were not keen so they sat quietly for the sermon.  The sermon was very encouraging and similar message to something we would hear in our churches.

After church had finished we stayed for the coffee social.  Mars got talking to a church member who told Mars that when he saw Mars walk into church he thought Mars was a pastor with his 'perfect children' checking out the congregation - as they need a new pastor in 2018!!! Haha! We also had a number of people tell us how 'well the kids behaved in church!!!' ;) We stayed for a while as they were very hospitable.

We then headed to the foreshore to check out Cronulla beach. After kicking the footy for a while we watched the surfers head out and catch some waves. It was very enjoyable! The beach at this spot was not great for swimming but there was a built up rock pool that was flushed with the ocean water but was sheltered from the waves.  Unfortunately, none of us had taken bathers so we just had to be content to watch others swimming.

The kids enjoyed looking through the rock pools and searching for 'sea glass'. They had quite a collection by the time we were ready to head back to the caravan park!

Back at the caravan park we put Rowan and Axel down for naps while Mars got chatting to a 'permanent' from the park - he makes liquorice and was keen to tell Mars and the kids about it.  Late in the afternoon the bats start to come out so the kids were happy to see those.

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