Saturday, 11 February 2017

Mount Gambier

We packed up quickly in the morning and drove into Tailem Bend for breakfast at the park.  We enjoyed the pancakes and then had a climb on the train there and a look through the train museum.

Afterwards we loaded back into the car and drove in the direction of Kingston SE, along the Princes Highway, which goes past The Coorong, which is a 130km stretch of saltwater lagoons which is next to Encounter Bay but doesn't enter the ocean.  It made for a scenic drive.  We stopped for a break at a replica Oil Rig at Salt Creek.

We drove onto a beautiful beachtown called Kingston SE (SE stands for South East to avoid confusion with the other Kingston on the Murray River).  From there we drove onto Robe, another beachside town with stunning beaches and a fabulous atmosphere. We ummed and aahhhed about camping here but as we had already booked something in Mount Gambier we had to keep going. Definitely on the 'next time' list!  The beaches looked as amazing as Ningaloo!

We eventually arrived at the Showgrounds of the Racecourse in Mount Gambier.  After a 'quick' 20 minute rundown of the place the caretaker eventually gave us the site details and we set up.  We had an abundance of washing to do so that took up our afternoon!
The kids were invited to join in a game of 'skittles' - which they loved! When we eventually had dinner at 8pm (!!!) we managed to pick up the Big Bash Final on tv! The kids loved the big win!

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