Sunday, 8 January 2017

Port Lincoln to Carrow Wells (Port Neill)

Chad and Brenton were up before 7am and fishing off the jetty! They fished until we made them come back to eat their breakfast at 9:30. Brenton had caught a herring and a couple of other fish which weren't worth keeping.   We spent the morning watching the fishing boats head out (as well as sorting out the washing).

Mars had to spend a bit of time on the van working out why the water pump wasn't taking water from both tanks so the kids spent their time between the jetty and the toys. We got talking to another family who were also travelling and got some tips off them.  We left and headed to the local caravan repair place for some parts to fix the broken hatch.

It was turning into quite a warm day so we headed down to the foreshore, Mars watched the kids swimming while I did some grocery shopping. Chad enjoyed the jetty and the pontoon. After lunch Mars took Karli and Brenton onto the pontoon to swim as the bay is very shallow (and very warm water due to lack of water circulation). On the foreshore is a statue of Makybe Diva, the successful racehorse whose owners live in Port Lincoln.

We left Port Lincoln and drove up the coast into Tumby Bay. We decided not to camp there but to camp 5kms out of Port Neill at a beach camp Carrow Wells.  The wells were very well used by early settlers. They would take bucket by bucket out and fill up water tanks on their cart, travelling up to a day each way to get there.  They've now been restored but no longer draw water.

The beach was beautiful but wasn't hot enough for swimming that evening. That night was our first very warm night in the caravan.

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